Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Podcast: Most Roads Don't Pay for Themselves

The Overhead Wire: "Kevin DeGood of the Center for American Progress joins the podcast this week to discuss a recent report that reminds us no transportation pays for itself, even roads. We talk about the study, how 5.5% of the roads get 55% of the travel, and what's going on in DC."

Saturday, April 11, 2015

California's New Era of Heat Destroys All Previous Records

Bloomberg Business: "The chart below shows average temperatures for the 12 months through March 31, for each year going back to 1895. The orange line shows the trend rising roughly 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit per decade, just a bit faster than the warming trend observed worldwide."

Thursday, April 2, 2015

About the San Francisco Transit Riders

SFTRU: "Although San Francisco is often on the cutting edge, our transit system has fallen behind that of other major cities. We are frustrated with the delays, slow travel times, and lack of funding for better service.

San Franciscans have consistently supported transit, and they deserve a reliable, robust, and 21st-century transit system. SFTRU is delivering that change. Please become a member to join our community and support our work."